Simplify and streamline your materiality assessment

Socialsuite brings you end to end materiality software to help save time, improve results, and make better informed decisions.

Materiality Assessment Mock Up

Materiality Assessment Features

Double Materiality Icon

Single or Double Materiality

Emphasize the financial aspect of sustainability with single materiality or consider external impacts with the use of the double materiality feature.

Survey Customization Icon


Customized sustainability topics or choose a pre-set industry-specific list based on recognized ESG frameworks. Include extra open-ended questions for more insight.

Manage Stakeholders Icon

Automated Stakeholder Management

Group, weigh, and track unlimited stakeholders. Use our automated survey-sending or personally invite stakeholders with a unique sign-up link.

Results Analysis Icon

Results Analysis

Survey results populate in a materiality insights table. Analyze individual responses. Require further analysis? Export data for manual review.

Materiality Matrix Icon

Materiality Outputs

Visualize which material topics rank highest in impact, risk, and opportunity in a scatter-plot matrix. The report builder summarizes methodology, topics, and matrix.

SDG Alignment Icon

UN SDG Alignment

Material topics are automatically aligned with the relevant UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Prioritize the SDGs your organization impacts most.

Ready to maximize your organization’s ESG impact?

Whether you're a public company, a private company, or a charity, Socialsuite has the right solution for you.