CSRD aligned double materiality assessment software and advisory

Socialsuite brings you end-to-end CSRD aligned double materiality software with expert support to guide you toward CSRD compliance.

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Materiality Assessment Mock Up

What is the EU's CSRD?

Mandatory Reporting

CSRD is EU legislation aimed at improving and standardizing companies' reporting of sustainability information, as part of the EU's move to a great, sustainable economy.

Affected Entities

CSRD affects 50,000 companies, also creating reporting obligations for certain foreign entities with operations in the EU at both a consolidated parent and EU-subsidiary level.

Materiality Required

A double materiality assessment is required under the CSRD. Your company will need to identify its material sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities following CSRD's double materiality process.
Credit card mockups

Our CSRD Double Materiality Process

Our hybrid approach of streamlined software and expert advisory delivers you a best-practice CSRD-aligned double materiality solution.

Context Setting

Business case, requirements, document review

Engagement Plan

Plan how and when to engage with stakeholders

Value Chain

Identify Business activities to map full value chain

Stakeholder Mapping

Identify, group, and map stakeholders in the value chain

Topics & Preliminary IROs

Use ESRS topics to identify IROs in the value chain


Engage affected stakeholders for feedback on impacts

Risks & Opportunities

Engage relevant stakeholders for feedback on IROs

Analysis & Scoring

Analyze engagement data and scoring of IROs

Review & Approval

Share material IROs with stakeholders, get Board approval


Report material IROs and topics with assessment process documentation
Product Features

CSRD-Aligned Double Materiality Assessment

Streamlined double materiality assessment software designed to align with CSRD and ESRS mandates to ensure you are compliance-ready.

Value Chain Mapping

Identify the key business activities, value chain actors, and relationships within your own operations, upstream and downstream your value chain.

Stakeholder Management

Identify stakeholder groups linked to your value chain activities, along with the individual stakeholder to engage with.

Topic Selection

Review the ESRS topics, select those relevant to your organization, and add entity-specific topics where applicable (from other standards; eg. GRI, SASB, etc.).

IRO Register

Identify and capture impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs) across your organization's value chain and business activities.

Stakeholder Surveys & Interviews

Conduct targeted surveys with affected proxy stakeholders to capture input on relevant IROs. Gather qualitative insights through interviews and workshops using our session templates.

Significance Scoring & Analysis

Review and analyze stakeholder inputs collected through research and engagement and conduct ESRS-compliant significance scoring for each of your IROs.

Materiality Thresholds

Configure the financial and impact materiality thresholds that will be applied to determine materiality of IROs.

Audit Trail

Fully assurable CSRD process, including history and rationale at key decision points.

Reports & Deliverables

Create a range of charts, tables, and outputs based on your CSRD-aligned double materiality assessment.

Software and Advisory Packages

Simple, transparent pricing that enables growth and progress year over year.

Advanced Plan

CSRD Double Materiality software early access and advisory services
Software platform access
Unlimited users
Engagement plan
Value chain mapping
Survey and interviews
CSRD compliant scoring
IRO register
Audit trail
Setup wizard
+ many more...
Get started

Ready to streamline your materiality assessment?

Whether you're a public or private organization, Socialsuite has the right materiality solution for you.

Latest resources

Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, customer stories, and learn about how you can embed sustainability in your business.

Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

Mastering Double Materiality Assessments with GRI & IFRS

Learn how to combine GRI for impact materiality and IFRS for financial materiality in a best practice double materiality assessment.
Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

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Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

Tabcorp's 2024 Materiality Journey: Lessons from the Frontlines

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Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

Identifying Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities for CSRD Compliance

The CSRD requires companies to report on their sustainability performance, including their impacts, risks, and opportunities.
Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in CSRD-Compliant Double Materiality Assessments

Ensure your double materiality assessment aligns with CSRD/ESRS requirements and avoids costly missteps.
Image for Latin Resources case study depicting cows in a field

Top 5 Benefits of Using Software to Streamline Your Materiality Assessment Process

With materiality software, companies and consultants alike can streamline and enhance their materiality assessments for better outcomes.